our select craft brews
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Our brewery is a 7 barrel system capable of making 217 gallons of beer per brew. We load the mash tun with 300-500lbs. of malted barley depending on the style of beer desired and “mash in” with water from the Rio Grande River Basin. Our hops and barley are purchased right here in Colorado from local producers, as well as from the finest growers in the U.S. and internationally. When it comes to creating authentic beers, we seek out the highest quality ingredients to ensure our beer has the full flavor and excellence that define a great small-batch craft brewery.
Wolf Creek Winter
Revenent Double IPA
Western Wit
Pathfinder Imp. Toffee Porter
Settin Sail Kiwi Ale
Sweet Cherry Blonde
Java Chocolate Shake Stout
Doppelbock German Dark Lager
Mexican Style Dark Lager
Downtown Honey Brown
Saddle Up Strong Scotch
32 Below
Espresso Stout
Blanca Blonde
S&A Black IPA
Oktoberfest Lager
Royal Gorge Route Rouge
Happy Haze IPA
32º Below - English Strong Ale
Sinner & the Saint/ - Mexican Amber
Wolf Creek Winter - Spruce Tip Red Ale
Saddle-Up Strong Scotch
Royal Gorge Route Rogue
Scenic Rail Pale Ale
Blackberry Lime Gose - Collaboration with Soulcraft Brewing
Cumbres & Toltec 168 - Grapefruit IPA
Peach Wheat